Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Casual Tuesday

Unfortunately, I was reminded this morning that I have several midterms in the next week. I have two on Friday and three next week.
I went to the barber today to get my hair fixed because yesterday they cut my hair like christiani renaldo. I thought I knew how to speak Spanish...I guess asking for, "el pelo corto en los dos lados, pero arriba un poquito más largo" was interpreted as, "Let me just give you a semi-faux-hawk look." I was too ashamed to ask the woman to fix it yesterday so I rocked the look for 24 hours.
On another note....take a look from the view outside my class today...

These are called "castillos" which means, "human towers"...they are really popular in Catalunya and they require tremendous precision and strength. Castillos sometimes use up to 80 people....it's somewhat of a game/art/exercise. Unfortunately, this picture was taken during the beginning of the process... Class break ended and my professor was yelling at us to come back inside. (For mom again) there were two medics present in case anybody had fallen, which apparently happens fairly often.

Take a look at some of the pics of took this past weekend in Sevilla

This first one is in Sevilla looking out towards the city. You can see an old circular bullring.

Plaza de Espana I talked about recently
Zack, myself, and Brandon (another student from Vanderbilt), on a 300 year old tree outside the Juderia in Sevilla

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