Thursday, October 21, 2010

Living In Barcelona

We had a great time last night going out. It was the first time in a while the entire Vandy crew went out together, and some of the other kids in our program came too. We first went to this Bar on la calle Aribou called Chupitos. Every shot is 2 euros and the bartenders usually light them on fire. For one shot, we drank from a straw while the alcohol was literally aflame. It was delicious?

At about 12 oclock the bar filled up and we couldn't hear each other speak...we made the executive decision to walk next door because it was empty. We hung out for a few more hours and then left for the club called Broad Bar up the street. 

Quique (pronounced Kee-Kay), a club promoter we have become close to, gave us VIP access and bought us a bottle of champagne. I can't say I take credit for this purchase because of my pretty face, but probably because I was hanging out with the pretty Vandy girls.

I met a few cool people from Amsterdam who gave me some good pointers for my future trip. I wanted to know more about the local Dutch places, than just the cliche American spots.  At around 4 oclock the club closed and the light turned on. 

I got back to Melon Distritct, the "residencia" where I live and passed out right away....Class this morning was brutal bcuz we had Linguistics this morning. Analyzing vocal sounds in the Latin Alphabet is not my favorite thing to do in the morning after a night out. 

I'm currently packing up right now because our program paid for a trip to Sevilla and Cordoba this weekend. I have to be at the airport by 730 so I will definitely go to sleep early tonight. I'll let you guys know how the weekend goes when I get back.

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