Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jet Leg

Got off the plane yesterday morning after a short 4 day trip home and I'm exhausted. I don't recommend taking the red-eye followed by four hours of two straight classes. Midterms are in two weeks so now is boogie time when it comes to studying the material. 

I'm not too happy about the Yanks last night. Cliff Lee cleaned up beating the bombers 8-0, improving a 2-1 series lead. The series is far from over however.

There's nothing going on too much this week other than the regular class routine. I had lunch about an hour ago in this tiny tienda where I ordered pasta...little did I know pasta also meant pastry. No wonder the woman looked at me funny when I asked for "pastry with butter." The spaghetti bolognese was tremendous. I have zero complaints. 

Today in Linguistics class we are learning about the way our bodies produce sounds. Unfortunately, I don't even know how to do that in English, let alone Spanish. The class is very interesting though. I never thought of Linguistics as a legitimate study, but my opinion of it definitely has changed....the way our throat's muscles open when pronouncing the letter "s" in a word such as "sent", but are closed when pronouncing the same letter in a word such as "Suzan." 

That's all I got for today. I'm already congested again. Musinex only does so much. 

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