Thursday, November 11, 2010

FC Barcelona

Last night we went to the FC Barcelona game against some random sub-division team from one of the Spanish colonies in Morocco. It was so much fun and a blast...except for one blemish of the night, but I´ll get to that later... I saw Messi score a goal, and several other spectacular players on the Barcelona team. Definitely very cool. They won 6-1 and coasted through a sweet win, and my first real European soccer game.

They don´t serve alcohol at the soccer games because people would literally kill each other. Instead, you have a couple drinks before the game at the local bars around the stadium. I unfortunately did not hang around the stadium, but rather had dinner with my friend Alexa, her mother, and the rest of our friends.

Anyway, a scary moment. I walk onto the metro with both of hands in both of my pockets as usual...just to be safe...I felt a hand trying to slide itself into my left pocket. I grabbed the guys hand with my right hand and said,  (as a heads up...I said a lot worse things then Im about to quote myself saying, but for the circumstances of a PG rated blog, Ill keep it classy) "Sir, what do you think you are doing?"    To which he replied, ·"Como?"      I said back, "I just took your hand out of my pocket. Who do you think you are?"  (Again, I was not this calm).   He responded, "No, No. soy innocente. innocente."
Angrier....I said,  "Its people like you who make these subways dangerous.....(I pushed him because he moved  in front of me) "You better watch you back and get off at the next stop". As I made a scene in the middle of the metro, a few other English-speaking people overheard me yelling and asked if i had just caught this guy trying to pickpocket me....I briefly explained the situation and half the metro car applauded.  The little 5 foot 3 Spanish man and his accomplice ran off at the following station...

Not that I think I´m that big of a guy, but why in the world would a 5'3 little weak Spanish man try to steal from me, who´se a solid foot taller than him.

My adrenaline rush didn´t seize until about an hour later...I shook during the beginning of the game because I was this close to clocking him in the jaw. Had Alexas mother not been there, I think I would have reacted differently.  But in retrospect, I think I handled it appropriately. On a comic note,  I was apologizing to Alexa´s mother for using expletives as I screamed at this guy...she reassured me if that had happened to her she would have caused even more of a scene.

On another notes, check out some pics from the game

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