Saturday, November 6, 2010


My parents just left and I had the most amazing time with them these past few days. I can officially say I'm no longer hungry. All we did was eat eat and eat.

I was so happy to be able to show off my improved Spanish skills to them through the various conversations I had with people in their presence. I think it assured them that despite all the fun I have here, I also have learned a lot. For Mom, every meal was so easy. All I had to tell the waiter was, "Es Celiaca" meaning, "Shes a Celiac." Every one of them knew the term is associated with an inability to digest Gluten. It's so convenient.

Last night we ate at my favorite restaurant in Barcelona thus far. When we got out of the taxi, a Ferrari 360 Spyder hard top was parked right out front....I knew this place was going to be delicious. The menu was extravagant. Octopus, Shrimp, Lobster, meant, clams...everything. "Botafumeiro" is the name.

I'm sad they had to leave because all of the other parents are here for several days, but we put quality time in together. From the three of us falling asleep in the same bed after shopping yesterday afternoon to buying enough groceries to feed a small army, I could not have been happier.

On another note,  I finished midterms so I get to relax a little bit before my next set of homework assignments Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Untill then....see ya

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